A strong collective with special expertise
We see our success as a service provider as being closely linked to the technological and economic success and satisfaction of our customers.
An important key to success is the knowledge advantage over the competition. Today, the individual is no longer enough to create this advantage. We know exactly what our specialists know and can do. We combine this entire breadth of knowledge with the depth of knowledge of our customers and our offer of an active ‘we’ culture. We call this way of thinking and working weQ-Engineering. It generally leads to creative solutions and significantly increases the speed of innovation for our customers.
A strong collective
with special expertise
We see ourselves as a strong collective and empower people to develop relevant solutions for demanding customers. We promise real competitive advantage through broad knowledge.

The satisfaction of our employees is particularly important to us. Motivated by exceptionally varied and challenging development work, they benefit directly from the company's success through a participation model.
In addition, we offer a special commitment through our partner model and a passionate collective of real experts in our team. Since our foundation in 1984, we have cultivated an environment for top performance that adapts flexibly to the requirements of the market, people and nature.
Fancy a ‘we’ culture?
As a strong collective, we attach great importance to a collaborative working environment. Together, we combine our individual strengths to create a living ‘we’ culture and use this to offer our solutions for exciting customers and markets. We communicate as equals, see appreciation as a prerequisite for strong teams and offer our employees real prospects for the future.
Career at Roschiwal

Shaping the future together.
What does the future hold? We can't predict our future exactly either. But we can shape an organisation that we can set up flexibly for the future together and continue in the spirit of our founder:
A meaningful and long-term perspective for our employees.
Is it possible to plan an organisation until 2050? Certainly not. But it can be planned up to 2050 and shaped until then by our entrepreneurial spirit, our values and our ‘we’ culture. 2050 gives us a perspective that allows us to look to the future with confidence and also gives our employees security and trust in our organisation. Together, we are on the way to becoming a weQ organisation.

Safeguarding jobs
The partnership model has proven its worth. Our aim is to carry out development work of the highest quality through to applied research projects. We quickly realised that technological leadership in various specialist areas only leads to success with several powerful partners.
The partnership model has also proved its worth in past crises, as we have mastered them well. In our increasingly fast-moving times, it is not necessarily the big companies that will survive, but the fastest and most flexible. In other words, the companies that are prepared for a drop in orders even during the economic boom and can switch to other specialised areas and customer acquisition at the first signs of a recession.
Our employees, together with the managing directors, partners and project managers, have made our company what it is today. A successful, crisis-proof, future-orientated medium-sized company.
For this reason, the majority shareholders have stipulated in their company will that their shares will remain in the company in the long term, i.e. in the event of inheritance.
This secures the jobs of our employees for future generations.